Who Is Left On Survivor 2014 Cagayan In Week 5?

This week on Survivor 2014 we’re heading for some drama as the old Aparri tribemates bang heads on the new Solana beach. Looks like fun!

Jeff Probst on Survivor 2014 Cagayan
Jeff Probst on Survivor 2014 Cagayan – Source: CBS

The newly shuffled Solana tribe lost the Immunity Challenge and headed off to Tribal Council where Cliff got caught by the blindside while LJ skated on by.

This week Solana will need to save their energy for the field instead of fighting against one another, but can they do that?

So who is left on Survivor 2014? Let’s break down the tribes and see which castaways remain on their beaches.


  • Cliff Robinsoneliminated last week
  • Lindsey Ogle
  • Tony Vlachos
  • Trish Hegarty
  • Yung “Woo” Hwang
  • LJ McKanas
  • Jefra Bland

  • Alexis Maxwell
  • Jeremiah Wood
  • Morgan McLeod
  • Sarah Lacina
  • Kassandra “Kass” McQuillen
  • Latasha “Tasha” Fox
  • Spencer Bledsoe

Whatever is going on with Lindsey and Trish is brings Jeff back to camp for a visit. That’s rarely a good thing!


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