Tonight on CBS the final Tribal Council vote will reveal who will win Survivor 2014 Cagayan out of the remaining final four castaways. While we wait for the official Survivor results, let’s consider the possibilities.

With so many possible combinations of a final two, let’s discuss the individual players and what sort of chances they could have at winning over the Jury.
Kass – Chaos Kass has made some incredibly entertaining though often questionable moves throughout the season. We’ve seen her flip on alliances over and over whether it’s a numbers-leading one or a rag-tag coming-together to oust an obvious front runner. Kass doesn’t care, she’ll stab ya square in the back. While that might be entertaining (both in a good and bad way) for those of us at home, I don’t see it possibly winning over anyone at the final Jury.
If Kass makes it to the Final Two I just don’t see any chance of her winning. She might snag a vote or two, but she’s wronged so many people in seemingly pointless moves that it’s unlikely people will reward that behavior with a vote.
Spencer – Talk about your underdog of the season. Since starting out on a losing tribe with the Brains flailing around like a chicken with its head twisted off by Jeremiah, things just weren’t going his way. Yet here is Spencer, just steps away from the end. He’s won challenges, found an Idol (and subsequently wasted it), and worked over competitors in ways to keep himself here when he was the most likely target. That’s what it’s all about, right?
If Spencer makes it to the end he’s got a strong case for the Jury. There is only one Brains member there now, but he really would have few, if any, enemies among the rest. Would they pick a clean game over a dirty one like Tony’s or an even friendlier one like Woo’s? Maybe, but again if he’s there against Kass I’d say it’s a solid win for Spencer.
Tony – We’ve seen the main thread of this season follow Tony and it’s been extremely entertaining. He’s had incredible luck and the other castaways have blindly followed his lead even when it’s to their own funeral at Tribal Council. From a viewer’s perspective I think most folks at home would give Tony the win over the rest, but will the Jury be too bitter?
If Tony reaches the Final 2 he has an excellent chance of winning against Woo or Kass, but things could be tight against Spencer. That pairing could come down to the final Q&A and if Tony can soothe hurt feelings of betrayal with reminders of his success throughout the season.
Woo – Do nice guys finish last? I think Woo might. He’s done well enough, but hasn’t won much this season. Woo’s alliance with Tony kept him safe at some narrow turns, but his decision to not turn on Tony when he had the chance could cost him.
If Woo arrives at the final Tribal Council this could be tough for him against anyone but Kass. If he’s there with Kass or Spencer then that means he has three Brawn members to support him and his friendly game play could win him the million dollars. I’d put his chances above Kass’, but below Spencer’s and Tony’s.
We’ll find out later tonight at the Survivor 2014 season finale just who will win Cagayan, but share your thoughts on what you think could happen!