Next time on Survivor 2016 the Kaoh Rong castaways are ditching their tribes again but this time it’s for the Merge. Yes, the Survivor Tribe Merge has arrived in Week 7 as Chan Loh and Gondol are no more with just eleven castaways left in the game.

It looks like Chan Loh loses their camp and it’s Gondol with the home turf advantage for the Merge during next week’s show. To Tang is clearly excited to be reunited. They went two weeks without losing another member. That’s a huge streak for them!
Lots of pictures from the new tribe which appears to be called “Dara” and I have no idea what that means, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. Take a look at what’s ahead including a few shots of the upcoming challenges as well. Remember that we’re down to the individual immunity phase of the season so there are a lot more open choices for who could get voted off Survivor Kaoh Rong next!
Oh, and I’ll add one more thing: Medical makes a trip to the new tribe’s campsite. Hmm.
Image credit: Monty Brinton /CBS Entertainment