Survivor 2013 Caramoan: Episode 3 Results

Survivor 2013 episode 3 results

It’s time for the third episode of Survivor 2013 Caramoan as the two tribes, Fans vs Favorites, are tied back up after each suffering one elimination over the past two weeks. Tonight that balance will be thrown as another castaway is set to be sent home so let’s find out who it will be.

Before we get to the first challenge of the night we get a rehash of last week’s drama involving Shamar and boy is it ugly. Seems the part of Gota that took his side is regretting that decision. Maybe they’ll get a second chance tonight at Tribal Council.

There was no Survivor 2013 spoilers for this week’s immunity challenge like we saw the past few weeks so tonight will be a complete surprise aside from pictures we saw earlier. Let’s see what Jeff Probst and company has in store for us tonight on Survivor 2013.

Another stop along our road to tonight’s challenges is when Malcolm and Corrine discover the Bikal tribe’s hidden immunity idol up in a tree. They secretly celebrate and then bury their new power, but for how long?

Finally! It’s immunity challenge time. For tonight’s challenge both teams will race out to the water, over a bamboo wall, release a heavy chest and drag it back to the beach. Once at the beach they’ll have to build a track and move the chest to the end of the line. In addition to immunity the winners will receive blankets, pillows, and a tarp.

There are weak swimmers on both sides holding up their teams’ progress, but once everyone is there they can start releasing the chest. Fans are first to get through the cage and manage to take a slight lead over the Favorites.

Back at the beach the Favorites catch up and jump ahead just a bit but things are quick to reverse and give that lead back to the Fans. This is going to be very close.

It all came down to the very last plank with Brandon battling Eddie but it’s not in the cards for the Fans. Eddie misses the target while Brandon snags the hook and pulls their track to completion and earns immunity for Bikal. Someone from the Fans is set to go home on Survivor 2013. Will Eddie take the heat for missing that last step or will Shamar’s attitude sink his ship? Time to find out.

Tribal Council is filled with attacks at and from Shamar. Production is going to miss Shamar if he’s the one voted off tonight. Jeff tallies the votes and reveals there is a three-way tie between Eddie, Hope, and Shamar! Time for the tie-breaker where the tribe can only vote for Hope, Eddie, and Shamar and those three will not vote.

The next round of votes are collected and tallied. Shamar stays to ruffle another day. Hope is eliminated tonight on Survivor 2013 Caramoan!


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