Survivor 2014 Cagayan Episode 9 Preview

Survivor 2014 is closing in on the Cagayan season finale in mid-May, but there are still eight castaways left in the game and plenty of opportunities for chaos, Kass-style and otherwise. This week will be no different.

Tony on Survivor Cagayan
Tony goes zen on Survivor Cagayan – Source: CBS

Ahead this week on Survivor 2014 the castaways will receive letters from home (prepare for tears segment), Woo falls from a tree (but how hurt does he get?), and Tony goes full-blown nutso and builds his spy-shack once again. Finding out players are against you is one thing. Getting the entire tribe to bend to your will is another. Tony does the latter very well even if the former isn’t happening.

So far we’ve had a sneak peek at this week’s Immunity Challenge and after the floating balancing act comp we could actually see Tony give the others a run for their Survivor money. Check out the pics below and see this week’s preview video at the bottom.


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