The Survivor 2014 season of Cagayan might be over, but we couldn’t not share Spencer’s arrival at Ponderosa and his thoughts after his disappointing elimination on the season finale this week. Oh, and there’s Kass too. I’m just teasing ya, Kass.

Since both Spencer and Kass were eliminated in the same Survivor episode CBS combined their eliminations and Ponderosa arrivals. The difference between their two experiences was extreme.
Spencer is greeted with a beer and a toast when he arrives. Everyone tells him they were rooting for him and would have had his vote at F2. They laugh and share drinks in a “hero’s welcome” as Spencer puts it.
Then you’ve got Kass arriving and no one having any interest in even acknowledging her existence. The other Jury members don’t respect her game and aren’t much interested in engaging her. Not hard to blame them.
There’s lot of history revisionism coming from Kass in her interview, but I think we all expected that. She didn’t do anything wrong. She’s just the scapegoat. Uh huh. Her getting rid of Sarah so she could be the center of attention? Why that was her just getting Sarah out for playing both sides… okay.
Watch the Survivor Ponderosa arrivals for Spencer and Kass: