We’re about to find out who won Survivor 2014 as the final castaways battle it out and the Jury reveals their votes to crown a new winner and Sole Survivor!

Ahead of us tonight we have a three-hour season finale starting with the two-hour final episode before the reunion show where all the castaways of the season will return for more discussion on what we’ve been watching play out on Season 30.
Last week Natalie pulled off her mission with a Jon blindside leaving Jaclyn on her own and dividing Missy and Baylor away from Jon and Jaclyn. Keith remains in the running as the underdog and on a solo mission to reach the end. Three more Tribal Councils to go before it’s all over and Jeff reveals who won.
Things pick up tonight as the final five Huyopa castaways return from Tribal Council where Jon was just voted off. We get to see how Natalie plays this off with an understandably upset Jaclyn, but will Jaclyn give more blame to Missy?
Initially Jaclyn is overwhelmed and congratulating the other players on the blindside, but things soon turn to yelling and shouting. Jaclyn “snaps” as she admits and “goes off on Natalie.” Yeah, she definitely did and it leaves the other players stunned.
Baylor and Missy discuss their plans for moving on to Final 3 and it sounds like they want to get to the end with Natalie while shutting out Keith and Jaclyn at the challenges. Let’s see if they can do it.
Reward Challenge:
Players must unravel a rope tethered to their waist. With enough slack they’ll cross a bridge and then throw sandbags to knock off blocks. First player to finish wins the reward of an advantage in the Immunity Challenge.
Jeff explains to Missy that there’s just no chance she’ll be able to compete. She agrees and heads to the bench as the other four get started.
Keith and Natalie take the lead as they start to work on building their bridge to the next stage. Jaclyn finally gets through her rope tangle issues and joins the rest of them, but she’s really having a hard time.
Natalie and Keith are neck and neck, but wait, Keith has the lead and is throwing sandbags as Natalie tries to reach the end. Keith has just two blocks left as Natalie starts tossing. Meanwhile Baylor and Jaclyn are way, way behind.
Keith wins Reward! He’ll have an advantage in the next Immunity Challenge. I don’t think he’s going anywhere this round. Jeff hands Keith an envelope that he must read in private. Now it’s time for a tough call.
Keith must pick one player to go to Exile Island. Jeff says that while it would take her awhile to get there Missy is an option for him to send away. This could be a critical choice. Keith decides to send Jaclyn away until the Immunity Challenge.
Exile Island:
Jaclyn arrives at Exile and she’s hitting rock bottom. She can’t start a fire and is feeling very discouraged as she starts to cry. Jaclyn knows that it’s likely either her or Keith at the next Tribal Council.
Keith heads off to receive his advantage. The remaining ladies agree he should be the next to go if he doesn’t win Immunity. They may be in trouble because his advantage is huge.
Waiting for Keith is a preview practice station for the game ahead of them for Immunity. He can stay and play it as much as he wants, but as soon as he quits that’s the end of it. Keith says he’ll stay and practice until it’s dark. Wow, this is a HUGE advantage.
Natalie talks with Baylor and they agree on F3 with them and Missy. Later we hear Natalie say things are still fluid for her.
Immunity Challenge:
Missy is ready to compete this time around. They’ll be using two paddles to move three balls, one at a time, across a game table. Let’s see if Keith’s practice time gives him the edge it should.
This looks maddening. I’d go nuts. Everyone is doing poorly including Keith, but now he’s starting to pick up the pace and remembering what he learned. Yes! Keith has the first one done and moves on to the next while the rest continue to struggle.
Keith continues his strong progress and has two balls in the pocket with his third on the way as the other four players have made zippo progress on even their first… there it is. Keith wins Immunity! He has secured a spot in the F4. Good for him.
Jaclyn decides she won’t lay down and die in the game. She takes Natalie aside to work to stay, but I don’t think that’s going to do much. Now Baylor has Natalie’s ear and she wants Natalie to use the Idol on her mom… yeah. Natalie has to decide to get rid of Jaclyn or Baylor. Let’s see what she does.
Tribal Council:
Jeff asks Keith about camp after the last council. Keith jokes about how heated things got, but he was relieved to not hear his name. Missy says she’s feeling good because of the Hidden Immunity Idol which is news to Jaclyn and Keith. Neither knew about it.
It’s time to vote. Jeff tallies and reveals the votes… Natalie interrupts and plays her Idol for… Natalie asks Jaclyn if she voted as instructed… Jaclyn!! Whoa! Blindside, blindside!
Votes: Jaclyn, Jaclyn, Jaclyn, Baylor, Baylor. Ohh snap! Baylor was blindsided and voted off Survivor tonight.
Natalie explains she didn’t feel safe with two family members together when they could easily flip on her. Now she has to work on getting in good with Keith and Jaclyn ahead of the next challenge.
Missy promises Natalie that she’s not mad at her. Missy tells us she’s relieved to not have to write Baylor’s name down for elimination, but is upset that her game is in the hands of other players with her in this state (leg injury).
Natalie is telling Jaclyn that she wants to go to the end with Missy and Jaclyn, not Keith. Both ladies are worried about Keith, as they should be.
Immunity Challenge:
This is a big one, both importance and scale. Players must race up and down a multi-tiered platform which immediately means Missy is out. They must scale down the platform, collect bags of puzzle pieces, complete the puzzle, find combination numbers, and raise their flag. Phew!
Natalie is tearing it up, but Keith is right there with her. Jaclyn is a few steps behind as Keith gets his third and final bag. He’s on his way back to the top and Natalie joins him. Now they have to do it all over.
Natalie has a slight lead and Jaclyn continues to lag. Natalie has all her puzzle bags and heads back up with a nice lead. Keith better pick it up as Jaclyn starts to catch him!
Keith is catching up on the puzzle building, but Natalie is a little ahead of him. Jaclyn is struggling to even finish opening her bags she’s so tired but is soon on to assembly.
Jaclyn has the puzzle! She gets the shapes and hurries to get the combination. Going over the edge Jaclyn takes a hard, hard fall and stops. Jeff stops to check on her, but Jaclyn isn’t quitting. She’s up and moving again, but now Natalie is just behind her.
Jaclyn races back to the top, enters her combination… Jaclyn wins Immunity! It’s her first of the season. Now was the time to do it!
Jaclyn is beaming with a smile ear to ear. Keith makes his pitch to Jaclyn with Natalie there, but as soon as he leaves Natalie continues her push to get Keith out.
Sounds like there are concerns over Natalie making it to the F3. Jaclyn goes to Missy with worries that Natalie’s game play is too strong with lots of accomplishments. Missy is all for this idea since Natalie just got out her daughter. Think she’ll do it?
Tribal Council:
Jeff goes right to the topic of whether Jaclyn should keep Natalie. Natalie hopes Jaclyn will return the favor, but doesn’t want to feel too confident. Keith warns that Natalie is a big threat and says she has a lot of votes in the Jury.
It is time to vote! Jeff tallies the results and reveals the votes: Keith, Missy, Keith, & Keith.
Keith was voted out with 3 of the 4 votes. The underdog has fallen.
The Final 3 wakes up and starts celebrating. They find a basket of breakfast food waiting for them and they dig in to tasty treats and champagne. The celebrating doesn’t last long as they grab their torches and head off to one last Tribal Council.
Tribal Council:
Missy tells the Jury her game was all about loyalty. She thinks she maintained dignity throughout.
Jaclyn is giving a better speech and identifies how she pivoted in the game and change sides to stay alive which also kept Natalie and Missy in the game. Jaclyn starts telling her backstory about not being able to have kids.
Natalie says she has better outwit, outplay, and outlasted better than either of the other two members of the Final 3. She says losing her partner on Day 3 made her change everything and play a stronger game. Natalie says she should have been the one to go, not Keith, if the ladies had been thinking straight.
Jon asks Jaclyn about a game changer move she made. She says her move to vote out Josh and hiding that decision.
Keith asks Natalie how it felt for her last words to him being a lie. She says she knew that if it wasn’t him it was her. He says he hated the constant lying.
Alec asks Natalie what was her biggest move. Natalie says voting out Alec was the big move and let her keep Keith to make the moves she needed.
Baylor doesn’t have a question. She just wants to talk to her mom and how the game reflected their lives back home. Baylor is very proud of her mom making it to the end on one foot.
Josh wants to know if Jaclyn is there on her own or if other players got her to the end. She says voting him (Josh) out was all her and her big move.
Wes wants to know what it was like to play with their loved ones. I guess he had already decided how he was going to vote.
Jeremy doesn’t have a question. He’s just there to sing Natalie’s praises and urges the Jury to give her her dues.
Reed doesn’t have a question either. He praises Natalie’s game, says he enjoyed playing with Jaclyn, and as for Missy, he sees her as the wicked step-mother. Ouch. He notes Missy received the most gimmes, but performed the worst. He goes on and it’s brutal but entertaining (unless you’re a Missy fan).
Natalie has to have this in the bag, right? Jaclyn might get a few. Missy will get one. What do you think? Jeff collects up the votes and heads off in to the magical transition from San Juan Del Sur to Los Angeles. Woosh!
Jeff reveals the votes: Jaclyn, Natalie, Jaclyn, Missy, Natalie, Natalie, Natalie!
Natalie Anderson wins Survivor 2014! Congratulations. She definitely earned it.
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