Abi-Maria Gomes became the latest Survivor castaway voted off this week from Survivor Second Chance when her allies decided she was better suited for the Jury.

Now off to Ponderosa Abi-Maria gets to relax, eat, and continue to stir the pot as we’ve grown accustomed to seeing from this outspoken Survivor castaway.
Abi managed to only lose 11 pounds and leaves the medical tent to find fireworks at her arrival to Ponderosa. No really, actually fireworks and not just the ones she makes. It was July 4th so the resort owner gave the castaways a show.
Upon arrival you can tell several of the castaways aren’t terribly thrilled to see her though you must imagine they’re relieved she wouldn’t be making it much farther in the game.
Watch Abi’s Ponderosa video as she discusses her hopes of redemption on Survivor after being labeled one of the most annoying players, her words. Check it out below.
Abi-Maria Gomes arrives at Survivor Ponderosa: