Kelly Wiglesworth was voted off Survivor this week and as she heads to Ponderosa Kelly reveals she’s okay with her abrupt departure.

Kelly didn’t come for the money and she wasn’t going to change who she was to win a million dollars. (I never get that. I’d totally change something to win a cut throat game to win $1M!) Now at Ponderosa she can reflect on her experience.
With a drop of about 15 pounds Kelly is ready to remedy that with her arrival at Ponderosa’s cafe where she is greeted by Kass and Savage. Those two are at least on friendly terms now, but later we see Savage talking her down a little saying he’s close with Kelly, but Kass is the outsider.
What do you think will drive Kelly’s big decision at the Survivor finale? Watch her video below to see how she handled her trip to the Survivor resort.
Survivor 2015: Kelly Wiglesworth arrives at Ponderosa