Last night on the Survivor 2016 finale we saw Cydney voted off Kaoh Rong after failing to build a fire in time against Aubry. Now we get a look at her brief time at Survivor’s Ponderosa.

Cydney doesn’t seem bitter at all though you know she’s obviously disappointed. Instead she’s upbeat and ready to move on to be with the Jury though she knows some won’t be happy with her and she’s right about that.
After visiting with the doctors where her great issue is a little rough skin on her knuckles, she seriously held up extremely well, she finds out she lost 28 pounds! Cydney credits good health and habits coming in to the game for her healthy survival of a challenging season.
Arriving at Ponderosa she encounters the adult children Scot, Jason, and Julia. They don’t get up to greet her because they’re bitter that she outplayed them or perhaps they were just busy looking for their blankies. I’m not surprised by Scot and Jason’s immaturity, but Julia? So Cydney eats her welcome dinner alone before Joe wanders over.
Later talking with Joe Cydney reveals that she went to University of Pennsylvania and majored in psychology, something she kept under wraps for obvious reasons. Cydney wonders if maybe her and Aubry were too similar in their mindsets and that was part of their challenge.
Cydney voices a very independent and strong stance on how she played the game and lives her life. She definitely played a great game and nearly made it to the end, but considering those Bitter Betties at Ponderosa she may have had trouble winning while needing all four other votes out there.
That’s the last of our Survivor Ponderosa fun for Kaoh Rong.