Survivor Spoilers: First Look At Week 11 Reward Challenge On Kaoh Rong [PICS]

This week on Survivor Kaoh Rong the last seven castaways will team up in pairs and compete for a helicopter ride off to a picnic. I bet Caleb would have preferred that destination.

Castaways prepare to compete for reward on Survivor Kaoh Rong
Castaways prepare to compete for reward on Survivor Kaoh Rong – Source: CBS

For whatever reason Survivor is again doing a teams event with an odd number of players instead of individual reward with odd numbers and teams with even numbers. So yes, someone will have to sit out.

This week it’s Kyle Jason who sits out leaving the other six to team up and compete for a luxury reward. We’ve got Michele and Cydney, Tai and Joseph, and Julia with Aubry as this week’s teams.

Hard to tell for sure what they’ll be doing, but it looks like they at least start tethered, have to work across an obstacle course, and there’s some sort of pole climbing involved. Check out the pics below for more.

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