Jeff Probst promised the wave of brutal punishments would wash in starting with episode four of Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong and here we are with a sneak peek and possible spoilers of next week’s episode with the first medevac of the season.
Confirmed: Caleb Reynolds was medevac’d from Survivor Kaoh Rong during Week 4.

While things looked to be going extremely well for Gondol that may all come to an end next week if the clues continue to lead toward a medical emergency on their team in the next Survivor episode. Stop reading now if you don’t want spoilers on who may leave the game next week.
So let’s run through the “next time on Survivor” clip at the end of last night’s show. Looks like there could be a few medical situations, but one tops the charts.
Lots of exhaustion from the heat with To Tang, but we’ve got Jeff calling for medical as he kneels by someone with blue shorts. That’s Peter on the ground, but the view is obstructed and Jeff is a short distance from him so there may be another Chan Loh castaway between them. This one doesn’t seem to be the major situation though.
Jump over to Gondol and first we’ve got Tai next to Jeff and one of the ladies leaning over fanning the group. We also see Nick standing around watching before the docs are putting a needle in for an IV on a very large bicep. Yep, that only leaves one option: Caleb Reynolds.
In the closing shots we see Tai crying and leaning on to Anna’s shoulder after Jeff calls for the chopper for a medevac. Could Tai be crying over the well being of his bromance with Caleb? I think that’s it.
We’ll see for sure what happens next week on Survivor Kaoh Rong, but for now I’m placing my bet on Caleb’s game ending here and that’ll be a shame since he’s been playing extremely well so far. I don’t want to see any of the castaways getting hurt, but I also hope I’m wrong on who it is.
What do you think is going on in the sequence of events Survivor teases for the next show? Share your thoughts below!
Update: A new promo clip from CBS reveals there will be three people requiring medical attention during the upcoming Immunity Challenge. One of them will require a medevac.
First we’ve got Debbie from Chan Loh. That’s our blue buff in the above pics. She’s crumpled on the ground in several of the new scenes.
Second there is Cydney on To Tang. She’s down and in need of water and medical attention as well.
Third? That one is hidden and appears to be male and our evacuated castaway. One of the doctors calls for “stretchers, the big stretchers,” then says “stay with us big guy.” So what do we think now with that? Scot?
More pics below plus the video so you can see it in action.