Survivor 41: Naseer Muttalif Discusses Elimination

This week on Survivor 41 we saw two players get voted out and sent off to jury. One of those was Naseer Muttalif, and he spoke with press about his elimination from the game, and shared his thoughts on what went wrong.

Naseer told Entertainment Weekly that he was probably a little too overconfident, and truly thought he didn’t need to use his idol.

“I know I’m a huge threat there, and if they let me stay one more day, I have an idol in my pocket too,” he told EW. But I’m thinking the other way, right? I wasn’t naive. I know exactly what’s going on. But on that day, I got maybe a little overconfidence. You will never get too confident on Survivor. So maybe a little more trusted? But this is Survivor. Anything can happen at any time, right? You have to have thick skin and face it, be happy, keep moving forward.”

And like other castaways voted out this season, Naseer shared some things that didn’t make the episode.

“I was looking at the journey when they went on a different island to get [an] advantage or whatever,” Naseer says. “Brad, Tiffany, and Sydney went. I knew exactly what’s going on. On that night, I didn’t sleep. I waited and waited, and I can see Sydney start going, ‘My stomach is hurting and all yada, yada, yada.’ I’m like, ‘Okay, that doesn’t sound real, so I’m not going to sleep today.’ Then I know Danny and Deshawn know that she’s going ’cause they were so close. And Erika and Heather don’t know, but I know, and I’ve been telling Danny, ‘Hey, something wrong.’ I know Danny knows, but I want to tell him that I know what’s going on. ‘Hey, something wrong. Sydney’s going out. She’s disappeared.’

“So on that night, I walked through the entire island. I told the producers, ‘I want to find an idol,’ but I’m looking for Sydney. And when she came back — maybe around 2:00 a.m., or I don’t know, she was gone almost half of the night — immediately I told Sydney, ‘I did not see you for a long time. Where did you go?’ She’s like, ‘What the F? I was sleeping on the beach.’ I’m like, ‘I walked on the beach like four times, and it’s stars and moonlight. I didn’t see you.’ The beach is pretty open and clear. It’s white sand. I’m like, ‘All right, thank you so much. And I want you to know that I know you [didn’t go] missing. So definitely you went on a journey.’ I wish that was there!”

Catch the full interview with Nasser right here.


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