Survivor Recap: Blood Vs Water 2014 Episode 10 ‘Build Trust’

It’s time to “Build Trust” in this week’s Survivor episode with just a few weeks left to go in the season. Hard to believe we’re close to finding out who won Survivor 2014 when there are still nine castaways left on the beach!

Wes Nale competes for Immunity
Wes Nale competes for Immunity – Source: CBS

Both challenges ahead look tough with the Reward Challenge sending castaways out in to the water for a series of obstacles while the Immunity comp is an endurance battle for your circulation system. Let’s see where this all goes!

Tonight’s show picks up as the Huyopa tribe heads home from Tribal Council following Jeremy Collin’s elimination. Considering it was mostly his own allies that did him in I don’t think there will be too much shock or anger at what just transpired. Well, Natalie is actually a little upset because Jeremy was her close ally and this could actually cause her to go after Jon for revenge.

Reward Challenge:

Teams split with Keith sitting out of today’s challenge. Yellow tribe has Jon, Reed, Alec, and Jaclyn. Blue has Missy, Baylor, Natalie, and Wes. They’ll be competing for a trip to give baseball supplies to local children.

Players must swim from their platform to a ramp where they’ll grab keys and puzzle pieces. Once all pieces have been collected they’ll race to be the first to complete their statue and win the reward.

Blue is holding a steady, but small lead over Yellow as Wes gets things going for his tribe followed by Missy. Things slow down for Blue with Baylor in the water and Yellow has them tied before moving on to a slight lead.

Teams have to unlock the base to their puzzle statue using one of the four keys from the water. Yellow gets it immediately but Blue just can’t seem to figure out which key will get them going. Sure enough Yellow crushes the puzzle portion and wins Reward.

As Jeff gets ready to send the winners off Reed announces he’ll give up his spot to Missy who hasn’t won anything yet. They trade spots and then announce Wes will be sent off to Exile Island.

Well the Yellow team is off at the reward trip Reed is back at camp busily working to get Keith on his side to target Jon. Reed says the other side thinks Keith has an Idol, heh that’s because Reed told them! Keith is in on the plan and hopes it’ll work without him having to play his Idol.

Natalie isn’t wasting time either and is hunting for that Idol with Baylor’s clue and help. Sure enough they find it buried right in the middle of camp. Baylor and Natalie run away with their prize to plot against the guys.

Reed is the girls’ main target with Jon being their ideal second target. They hope to get Reed out now to have a ladies’ advantage before voting out Jon the following week. Hmm. The best laid plans…

Immunity Challenge:

Immunity is up for grabs as Wes returns from Exile and joins the other castaways as they get ready to compete in today’s endurance battle.

Castaways have a small perch to support their heels with a bar overhead. If they step off the perch or let go of the handles then they’re eliminated. Last person still in the game wins the purdy necklace.

Jeff arrives with a plate full of candy to tempt someone out of the game. Everyone is saying no until Jon actually drops out after just seven minutes. Good grief. I hope that was a tasty candy bar there.

Missy is the next to drop but she won’t be alone for long. Jeff brings out cookies and milk which immediately draws Baylor and Jaclyn out of the game. Baylor runs toward Jeff. Runs. Next up, or down rather, is Wes who bails for chicken wings and beer.

Keith is soon calling over to Natalie that her entire alliance has bailed on her. He’s trying to convince her that she needs to start playing for herself. Keith might not last much longer either as we see after ninety minutes that his feet have turned purple! Yep, there he goes.

Only Natalie, Alec, and Reed are left in the comp. No one looks comfortable, especially not Alec who drops next. It’s Natalie vs Reed here.

Fast forward to three hours and both Natalie and Reed are around. Reed looks surprisingly okay with the situation while Natalie is voicing concerns. She asks Jeff for a nice, big food reward and gets pizza, ice water, cookies, and chicken wings. Jeff complies and brings out the tray which she accepts. Reed has just won Immunity and won’t be going home tonight.

Back at camp Reed is hard at work on his plan again. He is hoping to get Keith, Alec, and Wes to join him in voting out Jon. Meanwhile Reed is trying to get the other side to split their votes with Keith and Wes.

Missy takes the plan back to Jon who doesn’t believe Reed will vote with them. Alec comes over and straight up lies to Jon’s face saying he’s going to vote along with the Keith/Wes split. Aww snap. This could be good!

Tribal Council:

Jeff immediately starts leading the conversation to the topic of Idols and why isn’t anyone playing them. Gee, could he push on Jon anymore to be paranoid and play his to protect their golden boy?

Keith is asked about the Idols as well and says they need to stick the plan. Suddenly Reed’s sneakiness is way out in the open and everyone is talking over Jeff to figure out what’s going to happen in the vote. Hmm.

Jeff goes to tally the votes and Natalie tells Jon to play his Idol. He sounds surprised by decides to do it. Oops, Reed. Looks like Jeff’s nudging finally worked and soon Keith follows suit. Keith actually offers it to Wes, but Wes pushes back and tells Keith to play it for himself.

Jeff reveals the votes: Jon, Jon, Jon, Keith, Keith, Jon, Keith, Wes, Wes.

Wes Nale was voted off Survivor tonight. Jon & Keith both wisely played their Idols.

Heh. In his parting message Wes says that yes, he does regret stepping down in the Immunity Challenge in exchange for chicken wings. Yeah, that’s gonna hurt.

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