It’s the debut of Kaoh Rong with 18 new castaways, but they can’t all stay and share the million dollars and title of Sole Survivor. Find out who won Immunity and who was voted off Survivor last night on CBS for the Season 32 premiere.

Don’t forget you can watch Survivor on CBS All Access with either the Live TV streaming or catch the full episodes later in the archives. Read on to find out who got voted off Survivor last night during the season premiere of Kaoh Rong with the return of Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty!
We’ve already seen how the tribes are split up so there are no surprises who ends up on Brains (Chan Loh), Brawn (To Tang), and Beauty (Gondol), but now we’ll see them in action as they each jockey for the early lead.
Things start off fast with the castaways jumping overboard and taking all the gear they can as everyone works to secure food and tools for the work ahead. Once they arrive on the beach we’re watching To Tang, Chan Loh, and Gondol settle in, met each other, and set their camp up for the weeks to come.
Immunity Challenge:
The first Immunity of Survivor 2016 is up for grabs. Castaways start out in the water, retrieve four paddles, get to the shore, convert the boat to a cart, then complete either a puzzle or balance a stack of wobbly wobbles (that’s a thing, right?).
Beauty takes a huge lead getting their boat to the shore first after Darnell loses Brawn’s face mask, but the lead doesn’t last too long as Brains are soon catching up. Brawn joins the beachside fun too and the tribes are close together again.
Soon Beauty is way, way behind as the other tribes are both working on the puzzle while Beauty struggles to finish dragging their boat/cart to the last station. The lead is with Brains as they’re solidly ahead on completing the puzzle…
Brains win Immunity and a massive set of gear for starting fire. That leaves the second Immunity up for grabs between Brawn and Beauty… soo close… Beauty wins Immunity and flint.
Brawn loses and must prepare for Tribal Council where someone will be voted off Survivor tonight.
Tribal Council:
Preparing for Tribal, Brawn appears to be considering two options: Darnell and Alecia. Scott decides it should be Darnell, but Alecia doesn’t feel too confident and may have rocked the boat too much to keep herself safe after all.
At Tribal it’s definitely between “Blondie” and Darnell, so who will take the edge? We’ve got a lot of time left which should make us expect… Yep.
Votes: Alecia, Darnell, Alecia, Darnell, Alecia, Darnell. It’s tied.
Re-vote time for all but Alecia and Darnell. Everyone else must vote for either Alecia or Darnell. Now unless Alecia voted against herself, this may not force a shift. Will someone change their minds?
Votes, round 2: Darnell, Darnell, Darnell, …
Darnell Hamilton is the first player voted off Survivor Kaoh Rong.
Jeff Probst sends the other five back to camp with flint. Well, that was a fun premiere, right? What did you think of it?
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