Survivor returned with another Tribal Council where someone was voted off from one of the new tribes formed during last week’s tribe shuffle that scattered alliances and forced new goals for survival.

We’ve got two fun challenges this week as the remaining twelve castaways competed for food and safety. With Julia set to return from her isolation she was looking to help her new Gondol tribe secure a victory on last night’s show.
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Reward Challenge:
Castaways are split up with players in the water and two more waiting back on the beach. In-water players must release and herd thirty buoys back to shore so the other teammates can shoot baskets. First to ten wins Reward.
Aubry swims out for Gondol while Michelle works on it for Chan Loh which appears to have been a mistake for the Blue Team. Aubry quickly releases the underwater buoys but Michelle is way, way behind after struggling with the underwater net.
Chan Loh catches up as Scot struggles to sink his first shot but soon hits his stride as Nick has aiming troubles of his own. It’s pretty close here as they’re soon tied up on the count to ten.
It’s so close as we’re 8-6 with Nick, the non-pro athlete is leading Scot, the NBA player. But wait, Scot recovers and gets it to 9 over 8… before sinking the last shot. Gondol wins Reward. Michelle takes the blame. Yeah, if Nick had had another minute he might have pulled it off.
Immunity Challenge:
No rest for the weary as this week’s immunity challenge requires you to move, move, move! Players race across an obstacle course with lots of climbing and lifting where height will be a definite advantage. Waiting for the tribes at the end? Oh it’s a puzzle, of course.
Wait, that’s not a puzzle, it’s a block tower! Chan Loh blows a nice lead going in to the phase where they need to knock down blocks from an overhead net. Gondol is making great progress but then… crash as their tower of blocks tips over. Now it’s neck and neck again and it’s sooo close… Chan Loh wins with Gondol just one block behind them. So close!
Chan Loh is safe and Gondol is heading back to Tribal Council.
Tribal Council:
Someone will be voted off Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong tonight. Who will it be?
This is a crazy one as the plan is jumping back and forth between voting out Julia or going after Peter. Joseph is upset at Peter but isn’t willing to risk their numbers advantage and pushes back to Aubry on the idea of turning against Peter just yet. Let’s see.
Jeff reads the votes: Peter, Julia, Peter, Julia, Peter,… Peter! Aubry scratched out Julia and wrote Peter on the last vote. Wild night.
Peter Baggenstos was voted off Survivor last night. Was it the right choice?
Next week: MERGE! This season keeps getting better and better.
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