Survivor Spoilers: Immunity Challenge – Week 12 Cagayan [PHOTOS]

There are just five castaways remaining on Survivor 2014’s Cagayan season and with Tony’s stack of Idol’s the rest of the players best be fighting for Immunity with everything they’ve got.

Survivor 2014 Cagyan Immunity Challenge Week 12
Survivor 2014 Cagyan Immunity Challenge Week 12 – Source: CBS

This week’s Survivor spoilers on the Immunity Challenge reveal a three-stage competition that takes the players from a rope puzzle, to building a staircase, and finally on to a shuffle puzzle.

Starting at the bottom it looks like the players will have to work roped blocks around a table to release them a likely a key to the chests just beyond. The castaways are likely to find the first set of step boards in the chest that will take them to the next level. On the second tier they’ll have to do it again to reach the shuffle puzzle on the top level. First player to finish will win Immunity and avoid elimination at this week’s Tribal Council.

So who is going to join Tony is another week of safety? Should Jeff just go ahead and hand Tony the big check for a million dollars?

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Survivor Challenge preview: Jacob’s Ladder:

Image credit: CBS


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