Survivor Spoilers: Sneak Peek At Second Chance Reunion Reward [PICS]

Tonight’s Survivor 2015 reward challenge is a ‘twofer’ that delivers not only the chance at a cookout luxury, but also an opportunity to spend time with the castaways’ loved ones.

Survivor 'Loved Ones' await the Reward Challenge
Survivor ‘Loved Ones’ await the Reward Challenge – Source: CBS

While there had been several early looks at the immunity challenge, complete with injury spoilers, we were still waiting on a glimpse of the reward challenge. The wait is over and it even brought spoilers on what appears to be the castaways who get their reunion time.

The set up has eight castaways digging through the sand to find roped bags. From there they’ll probably be using those ropes as grappling hooks to snag a bag on the posts in front of them before heading across the balance beam and working on something set up on the far end.

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As for who comes away on the winning side of this reward challenge, we’ve got a glimpse of five of the castaways heading off to a bbq lunch with their loved ones. That seems like a weird balance when there are eight castaways left, but in several photos we see three missing castaways.

Hard to tell if there was one winner who got to pick four tagalongs or if the reward went to the first five finishers, but we see Kimmi, Joe, Kelley, Abi, and Keith enjoying a cookout with their loved ones. That leaves Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer on the losing side of things if these spoilers are accurate.


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