Last night on Survivor 2014 the two tribes battled to avoid a visit to Tribal Council where another castaway was sent home. Find out who won the competitions and who was voted off Survivor this week.

We were live blogging the full episode recap here on the site too, but these are just the highlights on who won challenges and who was eliminated on Survivor this week.
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Exile Island Challenge:
- Missy beats Wes in RPS
- Jon and Jaclyn face off. Jon wins.
- Jon picks Drew to go with Jaclyn to Exile Island
- Hunahpu picks the comfort items for their reward
Hidden Immunity Idol:
- Keith finds the Idol back at Hunahpu’s camp
Immunity Challenge:
- Kelley, Jon, and Jeremy sit out for Hunahpu
- Coyopa wins Immunity after Drew (Hunahpu) claims he threw it
Tribal Council – Eliminated Castaway:
- Votes: Julie, Kelley, Drew, Keith, Julie, Drew, Drew, & Drew
- Drew was voted out of Survivor
What did you think of the Survivor results? Was the right castaway voted off Survivor?