Survivor Spoilers: Winners At War Will Feature Past Challenges

The Survivor 2020 contestants won’t be the only things that will look familiar to you in the upcoming Winners at War season. According to show producers, all of the challenges in season 40 will come from past seasons.

But they do plan to mix them up a bit, show producer John Kirhoffer told Entertainment Weekly.

“It’s all classics,” Kirhoffer said. “We’ve switched up, as we sometimes do. A different classic front end with a different classic back end. So we might have a front end of a challenge from Heroes v Healers v Hustlers with a puzzle from Kaoh Rong, which is something we actually have. So that type of stuff. But it’s classics that you’ve seen.”

Of course this also means that some of these players will have competed in these challenges before.

Every challenge that we have — not every challenge, but all but two challenges — have been done by at least one player,” said producer Christopher Merchand. “However, unlike Second Chance, where the story played heavily in the beginning of Jeff’s game explanation, it won’t play as much. It will be more like Game Changers, when it was only if some sort of big story happened. So if there was some sort of big story that happened, then we’ll hit on it. But we’re prepared to tell Jeff the entire history of these players in the challenges. There’s a challenge in the final episode that already was big, and then we added to it and made it a little bigger.”

What do you think of all the challenges being classic challenges? Do you think it’s fair that some players have been in these challenges before and some haven’t?

Survivor 40 Winners at War premieres Feb. 12 on CBS. Be sure to join us here all season long for your Survivor recaps, results, rankings and spoilers. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you don’t miss any of the Survivor Winners at War coverage.



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