Tonight on Survivor’s finale event the final five castaways will battle it out in two more rounds of challenges and Tribal Councils in pursuit of a seat at the final Tribal of the season where the Jury will vote to crown who won Survivor 2014.

Capping off a season filled with flipping alliances and a healthy count of blindsides we’ll find out who has played the best game and convinced the Jury that they deserve the title and million dollar prize.
Should it be Baylor, Jaclyn, Keith, Missy, or Natalie? Two of them will be cut along the way and form a seven-member Jury with a big choice and we’re expecting tough questions in the final Tribal Council round Q&A.
Get ready to join us tonight starting at 8PM ET for the final episode of Survivor 2014 plus the Reunion Show afterward. Can’t wait!
Survivor 2014 Finale preview ‘This Is My Time’: