Tonight on Survivor 2015 the final seven castaways of World Apart face off with an uneven balance of power and a desperate man in their mix.

Last week Shirin Oskooi was voted off despite Mike Holloway’s efforts to bluff her to safety, but the result was effective at showing the cracks in their alliance. Now we’ll get the fallout as the group tries to rebuild trust and press on even with the expectation that Mike still has his Immunity Idol and will force someone from their group to be eliminated.
Challenges ahead tonight feature the local charity reward event where three players will head in to town with a truck load of goodies to share with the local children. As for immunity, the players will be hanging on to ropes with the last to fall securing their safety for one more week.
The sideshow looks to be Rodney and his birthday of disappointment. Rodney likes to take it easy on his birthday and being forced to wash dishes on that sacred day? Unacceptable! Aww, poor guy. We’ll have to see how he holds up to such torture.
We’ll be back here at 8/7c with our live coverage as we wait to find out who was voted off Survivor tonight. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email for even more Survivor fun.
Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart Episode 12 preview: