Survivor 2015 returns to its regular one-hour run tonight on CBS at 8/7c when the remaining Season 30 Worlds Apart castaways face two new challenges on the field and plenty more back at camp as the new tribes settle in.

We’ve seen in this week’s preview that Rodney Lavoie and Joaquin Souberbielle have their new blue tribe, Escameca, worried over their budding bromance which crosses the divide of the former tribes which shuffled last week down to just two tribes. With just 13 castaways left on Survivor they’ll all be looking for any excuse to put the target on someone else’s back and a power couple is also good for Tribal Council cannon fodder.
Gallery: Survivor 2015 Episode 6 Preview Pics
Tonight’s Survivor 2015 episode is called “Odd Woman Out” and a preview clip says “one castaway struggles to fit in after a shocking tribal council” which I’d say points to Shirin Oskooi who just saw Max Dawson voted off thanks in part to Carolyn Rivera flipping on their tribe. If Nagarote heads back to Tribal Council tonight then I’d say Shirin is in a bad spot on Survivor.
Check out the sneak peek video clip below to watch the first minute of tonight’s Reward Challenge “Air Raid.”
Gallery: Survivor 2015 Episode 6 Reward Challenge Pics