Only a week and a half left on Survivor 2014 Cagayan as the final five castaways of the season press on to the big season finale. The Jury is building as the Solarrion tribe works its way down another player.

Last week Tasha slipped in her streak of Survivor Immunity wins and it cost her the game while keeping Spencer alive at least another week. Now on the Brawn tribe leads 3-2 over the Brains tribe while Beauty sits on the sidelines at Ponderosa.
We’ll get another elimination this week as one last castaway is cut ahead of next week’s Survivor season finale on May 21st. We’re anxious to see how it all turns out!
So who is left on Survivor 2014? Let’s break down the tribe and see which castaways remain on the beach.
- Tony Vlachos
- Trish Hegarty
- Yung “Woo” Hwang
- Kassandra “Kass” McQuillen
Latasha “Tasha” Fox– voted off to Ponderosa last week- Spencer Bledsoe
We are getting close to the Survivor 2014 final three and finale show. One of these remaining players will become the Cagayan Sole Survivor!
Survivor Cagayan – Tasha on The Day After: