It was another losing round for Brawn on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong as the To Tang tribe failed again in the second Immunity Challenge and ended up with Jeff Probst for the night. Will this be the week to break that budding streak?

Once again Alecia was on the chopping block until Jennifer considered a flip against the guys and had the terrible idea to openly admit the idea. Well it was terrible for her but very entertaining for us to watch the whole thing fall apart right in front of her. Now the Brawn group is down to four as they head in to the third week of Kaoh Rong.
Chan Loh and Gondol are both holding on strong at full tribes, but surely To Tang is due for a win, right? Which of the two other tribes do you think could be the first to falter in the competition? If it’s Brawn again then are we set to get a tribe shuffle to stop the bleed? So many questions! More answers coming this Wednesday (8/7c) on Survivor 2016 Week 3.
Chan Loh – Brains Tribe:
- Aubry Bracco
- Debbie Wanner
- Elisabeth Markham
- Joseph Del Campo
- Neal Gottlieb
- Peter Baggenstos
To Tang – Brawn Tribe:
- Alecia Holden
- Cydney Gillon
Jennifer Lanzetti– voted off last week- Kyle Jason
- Scot Pollard
Gondol – Beauty Tribe:
- Anna Khait
- Caleb Reynolds
- Julia Sokolowski
- Michele Fitzgerald
- Nick Maiorano
- Tai Trang
Watch Survivor 2016 Episode 02 Tribal Council: