This week on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong only fifteen castaways remain but their biggest threat may not be Tribal Council. A brutal Immunity Challenge awaits the tribes on Wednesday night and we look set to lose someone along the way.

It’s the episode Jeff has been hyping for awhile now in a season already warned to be the most difficult yet. Survivor is back at 8PM ET/PT on Wednesday night as we pick back up with Chan Loh voting off Elisabeth Markham in a surprise vote against her and Peter’s efforts to send out Neal or Aubry. Now only Gondol remains fully intact with their six castaways heading in to this week’s challenge.
Lots of interesting speculation going on as we dig through the clues of the upcoming challenge. So far it looks like someone on both Chan Loh and Gondol will require medical attention and someone for sure gets the helicopter medevac treatment, but we’re left to guess who that will be.
As for who is left on Survivor 2016 as of now, here’s the breakdown of each of the three tribes. Now it’s time to get ready for Wednesday night’s Survivor!
Chan Loh – Brains Tribe:
- Aubry Bracco
- Debbie Wanner
Elisabeth Markham– voted off last week- Joseph Del Campo
- Neal Gottlieb
- Peter Baggenstos
To Tang – Brawn Tribe:
- Alecia Holden
- Cydney Gillon
- Kyle Jason
- Scot Pollard
Gondol – Beauty Tribe:
- Anna Khait
- Caleb Reynolds
- Julia Sokolowski
- Michele Fitzgerald
- Nick Maiorano
- Tai Trang
Watch Survivor 2016 Episode 03 Tribal Council: