Who Is Left? Survivor 2020 Winners At War Week 7

Survivor 2020 lost two castaways last week, and they were big ones. It looks like Team New School is going to continue their takeover of the game.

Now that Sandra and Parvati have joined the others on the Edge of Extinction, let’s take a look at the 12 remaining players in the Survivor Winners at War game.

DAKAL (Red tribe)

Denise Stapley. Denise used her idol and Sandra’s idol to get Sandra out. What will Denise’s next move be?

Jeremy Collins. Jeremy has managed to keep his power to leave tribal council.

Kim Spradlin-Wolfe. The swap probably benefited no one more than Kim. She now has the chance to regain her footing and has a full immunity idol.

Tony Vlachos. Tony continues to be more low-key this time around. Will his new strategy continue to work for him?

SELE (Blue tribe)

Nick Wilson. Nick seems to still be in a really good position now. He should be in the majority for the next time his tribe votes.

Michele Fitzgerald. Michele is on the wrong side of the numbers, but can her past with Wendell help her out?

Yul Kwon. Yul seems to still be in charge of his side of the game, but how much longer can he hold on?

Wendell Holland. Wendell came of a bit of a villain this past week, so could that effect his game or was it just editing?

Yara (Green tribe)

Ben Driebergen. Despite all kind of dumb moves earlier in the game, Ben has somehow managed to position himself quite well in the game.

Sophie Clarke. Sophie has a full hidden immunity idol. Will it come into play soon?

Sarah Lacina. Sarah continues to do a decent job of laying low so far and still has that steal a vote.

Adam Klein. Adam will probably be in serious danger this week if his tribe returns to Tribal Council. He has no powers and he is the one person who has been making the most waves.

Edge of Extinction

Natalie Anderson

Amber Mariano

Danni Boatwright

Ethan Zohn

Tyson Apostal

Rob Mariano

Sandra Diaz-Twine’

Parvati Shallow


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