Next time on Survivor 2015 the merged tribes continue to go through their growing pains as Rodney Lavoie continues his pursuit of tearing down Blue Collar from the inside out.

We saw Kelly Remington voted out when Jenn Brown wisely played her Immunity Idol and snuffed out the plans to eliminate her from the Merica tribe. Now with Blue Collar already out one player it looks like Rodney isn’t going to wait for a second elimination.
Can Rodney pull off his plan of targeting Mike Holloway? Will Sims looks ready to join the Rodney Ranks and follow orders, but how well can things work out when your right hand man is Will? Hopefully it works out great for us watching at home!
Check out these sneak peek pics from Survivor 2015’s Episode 8 on Worlds Apart heading our way next Wednesday night on CBS.