Dan Foley is thrilled to go to Ponderosa - Source: CBS
Dan Foley was caught up in a double power struggle at the latest Survivor 2015 Tribal Council that made for one of the best closings to an episode this season. Dan leaves his role as a castaways and joins the Jury at Ponderosa while sharing his side of the story.
I didn’t get a minute in to the video before rolling my eyes at Dan, but from what we saw all season should I really have expected anything different? Leaving Tribal Dan tells us he wanted to show that a hero could win this game and he thinks he was a hero the whole way through. Ugh.
Castaway Dan (I’m differentiating from Real World Dan, because I’ve never seen/known that Dan) was egotistical and delusional with a roaring god complex. I don’t know if many fans would call him a hero of the Survivor game, but Dan sure would. So let’s see what else Survivor Hero Dan thinks of his game.
Arriving at the medical station we find out Dan lost an amazing 42 pounds. That’s incredible. Now off to Ponderosa where he is well greeted by smiles and hugs, well not from Hali Ford, she rejects the hug offer.
Tyler Fredrickson and Dan start talking over their sides of the game when Dan discovers Tyler knew about Carolyn’s Immunity Idol, but promises he didn’t tell anyone but her about Dan’s extra vote power.
Dan says the breaking point for him with Mike Holloway was at the Survivor Auction. He couldn’t believe Mike would take advantage of such an emotional event with their letters from home, but I honestly can’t see why anyone shouldn’t.
I still think it was a weak moment for Mike to go back on that opportunity since it’s not like anyone was going to keep him longer over it. Then again, maybe we’ve got a Jury management moment there. Dan calls Mike’s behavior in the auction a “lie” and much worse than bluffing.
*Snort* Dan regrets not being more of a jerk as a result of his desire to play the game as a good guy. Aww, don’t beat yourself up about that one, Dan. I think you nailed it.
What do you think of Dan’s stance on his Survivor game play? Watch his Ponderosa video below to hear what Dan and his fellow Jury members have to say about his game.
Dan Foley Arrives at Ponderosa – Survivor 2015:
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