Dan Foley celebrates too soon on Survivor 2015 - Source: CBS
Another Survivor blindside last night on Worlds Apart, but was anyone other than Hali Ford really surprised by the Tribal Council vote? At least she gave a good jaw-drop moment as Jeff revealed the votes.
Quite a bit of action this week on Survivor with the camp reeling from Jenn Brown’s well played Immunity Idol and plotting their next move to get Joe Anglim voted out. Easier said than done as Joe went on to win both Reward and Immunity Challenge. Gotta love how Dan Foley repeatedly announced his win only to have Jeff Probst shut him down.
Idol Fever hit the beach as Joe used his clue from the reward lunch to search for safety, but it was Mike Holloway who came away with the big prize and a little extra security down the road.
When it came time for Tribal Council the ladies rallied to target Dan for being a schmuck, but he was too well insulated by his Blue Collars and tagalong White Collars for the plan to work. Instead we lost our bikini clad castaway in Hali Ford. Sigh.
Scroll through the gallery of pics from last night’s Survivor Worlds Apart for a look back at this week’s episode.
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