Things are getting tight on Survivor 2015 as we’re down to just seven castaways left on Worlds Apart and only one underdog against the large alliance.

Shirin Oskooi was sent off to Ponderosa this week leaving Mike as the last player between the power alliance and their plan to make it to the final six. Unfortunately for them they won’t make it while he’s got that Immunity Idol in his pocket.
So who will be the odd man out from the alliance of six? We’ll get to see if this is finally the time for Dan to put his special vote to use. Can Tyler smirk his way out of this one or would they go for a bigger target? We’ll find out on Wednesday’s Survivor episode.
Check out who is left and guess who could be this season’s Sole Survivor from Worlds Apart.
Merged Tribe – Merica:
- Carolyn Rivera
- Dan Foley
- Mike Holloway
- Rodney Lavoie
- Sierra Thomas
- Tyler Fredrickson
- Will Sims
Shirin Oskooi– voted off last week
Who do you hope is the next to go on this week’s Tribal vote?
Survivor 2015 Week 10 Tribal Council vote: