Survivor 2015: Power Rankings – Worlds Apart Week Six

Survivor 2015 saw another blindside last week as Joaquin Sourberbielle was sent packing following a thrown immunity challenge that sent the Escameca tribe to Tribal Council.

Mike Holloway & Kelly Remington on Survivor 2015
Mike Holloway & Kelly Remington on Survivor 2015 – Source: CBS

Even though things are going to change drastically next week with the merge, we’ve still got to look at the Power Rankings based on the last episode. So let’s get to it.

Nagarote Tribe

Nagarote comes out on top because it won both the reward and immunity challenges despite being the physically weaker tribe.

1. Jenn Brown. Jenn continues to stand on top of her tribe. She contributed most to their competition wins and she’s also so no-nonsense that she can probably get what she wants to happen. It’s probably going to take a force to get her out of the game. And even then, she’s still got that idol.

2. Kelly Remington. Since we know there’s a merge coming, Kelly gets the second spot here because she’s going to still have the backing of the Blue Collar Tribe and she will likely be able to ride it out with those numbers for a bit.

3. Carolyn Rivera. Carolyn isn’t a beast or anything, but she’s proven that she can use her head. And she’s still holding on to that immunity idol she found out from under Joquin and So’s noses.

4. Hali Ford. Again, she’s tight with Jenn, so Jenn can protect her. And she’s no Will or Shirin, so No. 4 it is.

5. Will Sims. Will is pretty worthless in this game, but he did help them win reward, so I’ll cut him some slack. But he still doesn’t deserve anything higher than 5th.

6. Shirin Oskooi. Everyone still hates Shirin. Even at the reward dinner, the others were all like we’re so hungry even Shirin can’t annoy us now. After the merge, she might be able to fly under the radar a bit until everyone else tires of her as well.

Escameca Tribe

Despite being stacked with all the strong men, Escameca was a flop this week. Of course Mike threw the Immunity challenge, but they failed the reward challenge on their own.

1. Sierra Thomas. Sierra had this top ranking last week and she proved me right. She made the final call on what happened this week and whether or not it was the right one is up in the air, but she made it, so she sits at the top again this week.

2. Mike Holloway. Thanks to Sierra sticking her her old tribe, Mike and Dan rank a little higher this week. Both are pretty interchangable at the moment, but since Dan is annoying, let’s make Mike higher.

3. Dan Foley. See above.

4. Joe Anglim. Joe almost went home last week, but the former blues spared him to break up Joawin and Rodney. So unless Rodney convinces the others he’s still with them despite how mad he is at them, I think Joe might be in an OK spot again. For now. He’s still a definite threat.

5. Rodney Lavoie. Kind of like I mentioned above with Joe, I don’t think Rodney is necessarily at the bottom yet. I think the fact that Tyler was with them and is the only one from the White Collar tribe there, he could be the one ranked lower.

6. Tyler Fredrickson. Even though Tyler is at the bottom of this tribe, it probably won’t matter this week at the merge. But after what played out last week, Tyler has to go to the bottom for this edition Survivor of Power Rankings.

Again, things will definitely change after the merge this week and we can get into the true Power Rankings of the season. Individual immunity will help see who the true power players are.


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