Survivor 2015 Spoilers: New Tribe Divisions Plus Probst Explains The Reason For The Switch

Last week on Survivor Second Chance after Shirin Oskooi got eliminated, we saw the preview for this week’s episode and we saw that the two tribes will now be split into three tribes.

How will the new tribe divisions change the game? Source: CBS

But why? And what will we see with the new tribe divisions?  Well, let’s go to host Jeff Probst for the first question: why?

“When you bring back returning players, it’s extremely tough to ever surprise them,” Probst told Entertainment Weekly. “So we had a few ideas in our hopper and we hoped that at least a couple of them would surprise at least a couple of players. I wouldn’t be surprised if several players considered the idea of a two-to-three tribe switch — but you never know for sure, and when it finally hits, it’s pretty powerful.”

Probst also hints that what a lot of people suspect will happen does happen.

“The obvious impact is that it completely changes the game, and for some I will tease that it will be a MAJOR setback,” he teased.


So how will the new Survivor 2015 tribes look? According to multiple sources, Ta Keo and Bayon will remain but be joined by the Angkor Tribe. The new tribe name is 100 percent confirmed but these tribe divisions are of course rumored, and while they come from reliable sources, they are NOT confirmed. So take them as you will. Here’s the how the new tribes are rumored to be:

The Angkor buff alongside the other buffs – Source: Planet Buff

So the initial impression on seeing these tribes after what went down last week could imply that Savage and Tasha got the short-end of the stick with these new divisions. They’ve essentially been thrust into a tribe with four people from one tribe who are all working together.

What do you think of these new tribe divisions?


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