Who Is Left On Survivor 2015: Second Chance Week 7

We’ve reached the half-way point of Survivor 2015’s Second Chance season and there are still 13 castaways left in the race to a million dollar prize.

Ta Keo celebrates a reward win on Survivor 2015
Ta Keo celebrates a reward win on Survivor 2015 – Source: CBS

After jumping from one tribe shuffle to the next we’ve now ditched all that for one big happy family. Wait, did I say happy? It’s merge time and that’s always a lot of fun to see the growing pains play out as one side looks to control the first vote and maintain their advantage.

Last week the newly formed Ta Keo lost the Survivor immunity challenge which sent Woo home and put them down one player. Unfortunately for their game they didn’t get a chance to balance it out before the merge. Now Bayon will hold the numbers on their side seven against six. Good thing for Bayon that Chaos Kass is on the downside already or they could kiss any security goodbye.

Think Bayon will hold it together and see a Ta Keo out in to the jungle this week or will we see things shift back? I’m interested to see how long it takes for Ciera to seek revenge against Savage for his crime of using her name. Lots to look forward to this week on Survivor 2015!

Ta Keo Tribe:

Bayon Tribe:

Watch how last week’s vote went down in the video clip from the latest Survivor episode.

Survivor 2015 Week 6 Tribal Council vote:


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